Trading Strategy Articles

Trading can be pretty frustrating for a beginner who has just gotten acquainted with this beautiful world of charts, graphs, numbers and statistics. As a seasoned trader who has been consistently profitable, I have interacted with thousands of individuals who have often asked if I can share some secrets on trading for beginners or if I have any nuggets of wisdom on stock trading for beginners. This section of the Enlightened Stock Trading blog answers all those queries for those I have interacted with and those I have yet to meet.

Professionals who are successful in other fields and have enough savings often get bored with the slow and painful returns of ETFs, mutual funds and individual stocks. It is then that they want to learn – how to trade? Or how to day trade? Through Enlightened Stock Trading, we facilitate precisely that. Our courses and videos are tailor-made for working professionals who want to jump from ‘trading for beginners’ to ‘trading for pros’ and don’t want to waste considerable time on that journey.

Trust us. You can go from “how to trade?” to “give me any market, and I can trade it” in a short while if you are ready to follow the rules of the game. You can go through our videos in this playlist, which help people asking advice on trading for beginners to make a knowledgeable start on the topic instead of being ignorant about the fundamental rules of trading. You can also get your FREE stock trading resources to learn stock trading & improve your trading fast by clicking here:

We believe that every novice trader learning how to trade should get their basics right. Some techniques work in the market, and then there are methods and techniques that might look good on paper but fail in almost all markets where you apply them. Instead of asking “how to trade?” we think traders who are beginning their journey would be better off asking, “How do I come up with an edge?”, “Can I develop a profitable system?”. Everyone is looking for financial freedom in this world, and trading can lead you there if you start asking the right questions. Stock trading for beginners should start with reading and learning. Read as much as you can, and to nudge you in the direction, here is a series of videos we have recorded on trading strategies for beginners that can also come in handy for advanced traders:
Trading Strategy For Beginners Video Playlist

If you have any recommendations on topics that we should cover next in our series on stock trading for beginners, please drop a comment in any of our videos on this playlist. We will be happy to answer all your questions on how to trade. You can also visit the Enlightened Stock Trading website ( for multiple free resources that will help you kickstart your profitable trading journey in a matter of days.

Click Here to watch all of my Stock Trading Strategy videos in this special YouTube Playlist and don’t forget to subscribe to the Enlightened Stock Trading YouTube channel to get all of my trading video updates. Click Here to Subscribe ⏩

How to Think About Stop Losses

How to Think About Stop Losses

I think stop hunting is real, but I think it's nowhere near as big a thing as some people make out. So yeah, if you have your stop in the market, there's a chance it will get triggered and there's a chance it will get triggered at the absolute low of the day. It's...

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Unlocking the Secrets of the Santa Claus Rally

Unlocking the Secrets of the Santa Claus Rally

The holiday season is not only a time for festivities but also a period when the stock market exhibits a unique phenomenon known as the Santa Claus Rally. In this article, we'll delve deep into the Santa Claus Rally, examining its history, significance, and strategies...

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Why Is Academic Literature Important for Trading

Why Is Academic Literature Important for Trading

Academic literature is important for trading because I studied financial economics and a Master of Science at Imperial College. It's called Risk Management and Financial Engineering. It was basically like a quantitative finance course, and I like to have very robust...

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