Thanks for Listening to My Interview on The Passive Income Network Podcast!

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Transcript of Adrian Reid’s Interview On The Passive Income Network podcast

How to be a successful stock trader in USA & International markets with Adrian Reid

Sea Will:

Hey, what’s good you all? It’s Sea Will, and this is the Passive Income Network. On this podcast, we talk about creating assets that produce passive income. Make sure you all hit that like button, subscribe and leave a comment and say, “what’s good.” On this episode, we have a special podcast feature with Adrian Reid out of Australia. Adrian Reid is a full time trader based in Australia. He’s also the Founder and Trading Coach of Enlightened Stock Trading, which focuses on educating and supporting traders on their journey to profitable trading system. So, let’s bring him on in.

Adrian Reid:

Hey, Sea Will, how are you?

Sea Will:

I’m good. How are you doing, Adrian?

Adrian Reid:

I am great, so excited to be here. Thanks for having me on the show.

Sea Will:

Yes. It’s a pleasure. It’s always great to talk about passive income trading and making money, I love it. So.

Adrian Reid:


Sea Will:

You want to introduce yourself to the audience and kind of let them know where you at and who you are?

Adrian Reid:

Sure, absolutely. I mean, you said a little bit of my background before. I’ve been a private trader for 20 years now. And when I started like a lot of people, it took me a little while to figure it out. Actually three years, it took me to figure out how to actually make money trading. And during that three years, I read a couple of 100 books. I had went through highs and lows and frustration, pretty much thought about giving it up. And then, I read one book which basically transformed my trading future and that book was called ‘Market Wizards.’ And what it showed me was that, everyone needs to find their own method of trading that really suits their personality. I found mine, I took some time off work. I learned about it, implemented it and here we are today. It’s been a fantastic ride.

Sea Will:

Oh, nice. Okay. Well, for this, let’s talk to the people who don’t know much about finances today. Can you break down trading, right? We got stock trading, crypto trading. And as I see, you’re an international, we’ll get to the international part next. But can you just talk about, can you just break down what is trading? We got options, we got so many different things and I just want you to define trading for us.

Adrian Reid:

Yeah. Great question, thank you. So trading is basically when you’ve got an asset list, like a stock or like a crypto token, even just Bitcoin as an example and you can buy and sell that whenever you want. It’s listed on an exchange or multiple exchanges in the case of crypto and the price moves because people have emotions, because the fundamental drivers of the economy change, because businesses change. So the price is going up and down and trading is simply buying and selling with the hope of making money. Now, it sounds really easy, but the trouble is it is easy to get into, and it is easy to actually buy and actually sell. What’s not easy is doing it with a profit. And the reason it’s not easy is because it’s a massive sort of psychological game.

Adrian Reid:

It’s quite different to everything we experience in our non-trading life. You know, school teaches that we teaches us, we have to be right. We go to work and our boss wants us to do the right thing and get the job done correctly and not make mistakes and so on. But in trading, so when it comes to trading, people try and jump in and buy and choose the right stock, choose the right token and they try and make a profit on that trade. And that’s a big problem because the biggest driver of success, when you are buying and selling stocks or buying and selling crypto or anything like that is the ability to admit you’re wrong. Because if you buy something and it doesn’t go in the right direction, you’ve got to cut that loss. You’ve got to accept that you’ve made a mistake or it was a loss so that, it doesn’t get big. So you have small losses because then, if you have small losses and then you have a win, the win is going to actually make you money.

Sea Will:

Exactly, yep. Cover your losses with a nice win. Essentially what I’m hearing.

Adrian Reid:

Yeah, exactly right.

Sea Will:

Right. Okay.

Adrian Reid:

And of course, like you said, you can trade stocks, options, crypto-

Sea Will:


Adrian Reid:

Forex, lots of things. I think the key is when most people here trading, they think day trading, like sitting in my computer, buying and selling all day or buying now and selling five minutes later to try and make a quick buck. That’s actually the hardest way to succeed.

Sea Will:

Yes. I tried that before with some double going on Robin Hood, I was like, oh shit.

Adrian Reid:

Yeah, exactly right. Like fully, it’s the most difficult way to do it. I would encourage everyone to step back and think about a longer term approach to trading. I look at the markets once a day.

Sea Will:

Once a day?

Adrian Reid:

When they’re closed. Now, crypto doesn’t close, but stocks, for instance, stocks closes and I’ll place my orders in the morning for the open. And then I won’t do anything until the next day’s open. So it takes me about 15 minutes a day. And what you need to succeed doing, that is a set of rules that makes you money. If you get in at the open and follow the rules and then get out when you get an exit signal.

Sea Will:

Okay. So going there when I’m trading like crypto, if it’s say, a random token launch or something of that nature, I know I want to swing traded. I know it’s not in my long term bag. I’m looking for a double or a 2X. What are you looking for when you are trading? You say you’re 15, 30 minutes in this one day. Like how much profit or a percentage wise are you looking to make a flip on?

Adrian Reid:

Okay, cool. So what I’m looking for is tokens that meet my rules. Now, the question is basically, what are the rules? There’s lots of different rules that work now for me. My preferred way of trading is trend following or momentum.

Sea Will:


Adrian Reid:

And what that means is if something’s going up, it’s likely to keep going up until there’s some change, right? So I want to buy things that are really trending strongly, hold them until they stop trending strongly and start moving the opposite direction and then sell them. Now, so I’m not looking for 1X, 2X, 5X in one day necessarily because I’m holding multiple days. What I’m looking for is it breaks out, starts moving up, let’s say a 50 day breakout or something like that. It’s moving up the highest price it’s been today. Today is the highest price that’s been the last X number of days. So I’ll buy it and I’ll hold it as long as it keeps trending. And then if it turns around and starts making new lows or hits a trailing stop loss, then I’ll get out. Let’s say it drops 20% from the high or 25% from the high, maybe I’ll get out.

Sea Will:

Yeah. So you said another key thing and we’re going to educate for these folks that are watching. Stop loss, right? So what you’re saying is, as you’re riding the wave up, you are putting some forces there to make sure that you exit that position if, it drops by too much of a percent, that’s what you’re saying?

Adrian Reid:

Yeah, exactly right. So as the trade moves up in your favor, you have an exit point that sort of follows up behind the price. And if the trade at any point drops too far from the current price, it hits that exit point and you get out. And what that does, it locks in your profit on that trade. So you can let it keep moving up and up. And as long as it keeps moving up, you never get out. But when it turns around and comes down too far, then you get out. That protects your profit and if it’s early in the trade, it makes sure your loss isn’t too big.

Sea Will:

Yep. Exactly. Nice, I love it. Just so many questions about trading. This is something I’m also trying to get better on. So we’ll start here and saying like I would say, “yes, it’s first things first is to get the education. I would think to build a long term portfolio and then start trading.” Would that be accurate? Or what would you say? Education long term portfolio trading.

Adrian Reid:

Education, absolutely first because the markets, whether you are doing long term buy and hold or whether you’re doing swing trading or something in between, the market is not like anything else you’ve done before.

Sea Will:


Adrian Reid:

It’s different to what we are taught in school. It’s different to what we have to do in our lives, in our families, in our jobs. So you definitely got to get the education and spend time learning. Whether you do a long term portfolio first, or you learn to trade, that’s going to be a matter of personality. I struggle with the idea of buying an asset and holding long term, not knowing when I’m going to get out. So everything I do is trading in some respect. Some is very long term trading as in months and years hold. But there’s always a rule that will get me out. Sorry.

Sea Will:

No, I said what’s that rule?

Adrian Reid:

Well, it depends on the asset that we’re talking about. If we’re talking about stocks, then let’s say it’s the stock price dropping below the 200 day moving average or something like that.

Sea Will:


Adrian Reid:

Or the 25% trailing stock loss that we talked about before, if a stock I’m holding drops 25%, I’m out because it’s probably stock going up. In crypto, which shorter term, because the market is more amped than the stock market, right? Crypto maybe it’s a shorter term moving average or a trailing stop again. But I also have in crypto, some big profit targets. So let’s say one of my systems, if I have 250% profit in the stock, sorry, in the token. It’ll hit the profit target, I’ll get out. And the reason that works really well in crypto is because there’s so many pump and dump type scenarios where everyone gets excited, it rockets up and then it collapses back to nothing. And if you can get out with the big profit, a lot of the time you save yourself from the dump. You may not capture all of the profit, but you’re not sitting through extreme joy, excitement, wealth only to get up with nothing, right. That’s the big problem with crypto.

Sea Will:

Yeah. Like a good story. One of my guys, Rockwood, exactly what you described. He buys it, it goes up 5, 6, 7X. He does not sell, he rides it right back to where he bought it back in. Like that is the worst, he’s-

Adrian Reid:

That is the worst.

Sea Will:

He didn’t take any money.

Adrian Reid:

That’s crazy, that’s the worst.

Sea Will:

Big question. Oh, go ahead.

Adrian Reid:

No, you go.

Sea Will:

I was saying, big question is so, what that leads to is emotions. How does one eliminate the emotions and the attachment to this position to get the money?

Adrian Reid:

Yeah, that’s a great question. The best way to eliminate the emotions is to have a set of rules that you’re following. The rules are, if A and B and C happen, you buy. If D or E happen and you sell, they’re like technical rules, like a 50 day high or crosses above a moving average or something that is absolute. You don’t have to debate and wonder, is that a buy? Is that a sell? Because, that uncertainty combined with the volatility of the market drives extreme emotion.

Sea Will:


Adrian Reid:

And that makes it very difficult to profit, emotion up, intelligence down. And intelligence down, losing money is what happened.

Sea Will:

Yes, exactly.

Adrian Reid:

So the best way to eliminate the emotion is to have a set of rules or in my language, a system that tells you when to buy and when to sell. But the rules themselves are not enough. You, the trader or investor have to have confidence in the rules. I can tell you see, well, these are the best rules in the world. They’re going to make you a ton of money and you can follow them as long as they’re making money. But as soon as there’s a bit of a dip, which there always is-

Sea Will:


Adrian Reid:

Because nothing works all the time, right? As soon as there’s a bit of a dip, you’re going to start going, “whoa, Adrian, you said, these were the best rules in the world. I’m not so sure now, I’m losing money. This is uncomfortable.” So you have to have confidence in the rules.

Sea Will:


Adrian Reid:

So the next step beyond having rules is learning how to test and evaluate those rules for yourself. So you understand them, you know how they work, you know how deep the dips will be, how high the rallies will be. That’s so I that’s called back testing and back testing means you take the rules, you take the historical data from the markets like in crypto, we’ve got a good five, six years of data. And you apply the rules to see when they would’ve bought, when they would’ve sold. And you assemble a hypothetical portfolio in the past that shows you how those rules work. And then that gives you much better understanding for what you can expect going forward.

Sea Will:

It’s like a high level way of using your highlight.

Adrian Reid:

Oh yeah, totally. Absolutely.

Sea Will:

Yeah, oh, that’s cool. Okay. Another question, you know it’s kind of drilling you on this one. Stable coins come to my mind, we going to hop in a crypto. Most of my audience is in a crypto. So when I trade in crypto, a rule of, I kind of do, I say, when I say something doubles, I try to get out, but the question is, what do you get out in? I usually choose Bitcoin and stable coins. So what do you do in terms of when you take the profit, is it staying in your account? What is your plan with the profit? I always tell people to have a plan, you can’t sell without a plan. So can you talk about your plan and what fiat stable coin do you use?

Adrian Reid:

Yeah, absolutely. So, I’m typically getting out to US dollar Tether and, US dollar Tether.

Sea Will:

Yep. Tether, okay.

Adrian Reid:

Okay. So, when I’m either trading against Tether or I’m trading against Bitcoin, depending on the system that I’m using or the rules I’m using. And I prefer to be in Tether when I’m out, because I don’t want exposure to the volatility of market when I’m out.

Sea Will:


Adrian Reid:

You know, if I’m closing my trade and going to Bitcoin, I’ve got exposure to Bitcoin. And as you know, that can be quite volatile as well.

Sea Will:


Adrian Reid:

There’s no good going to cash where cash is Bitcoin and cash drops 60%, like Ugh.

Sea Will:

Yeah. You don’t want that.

Adrian Reid:

Yeah. So I trade out, I go to Tether typically, and then I leave it in the account because the system or the rules couldn’t give me a signal any day of the week. So at the moment I’ve got probably, I don’t know, 50 different trades on, in crypto, all different tokens. Because I’ve got lots of different strategies, lots of different rules that are running, some are buying very long term trends. Some are buying short term trends. Some are buying dips hoping for a buy out, so there’s lots of different ways you can trade. And when you have this systematic approach, it’s very quick and easy to diversify and have several different strategies. But most of them are going back to Tether and waiting until they get another signal and going back into the market.

Sea Will:

Nice. Thank you for the explanation. Yes. So the Australian market, I don’t know anything about you all’s stock market, is that would you all have a stock market or are you like… Okay, so stock market over there in Houston, I’ve seen other international markets is the US, your international market. Can you talk about some of these different markets that you are investing or trading in?

Adrian Reid:

Yeah, absolutely. So look, every stock market is a little bit different, but I trade Australia, Hong Kong and US stocks.

Sea Will:

Oh, wow.

Adrian Reid:

I have also traded stocks in China, stocks in Europe, London, and various other markets. The mechanics are broadly the same. So diversity, going international is nowhere near as big of a deal as you might think, when you first start out. It’s really a matter of having an account that allows you to trade it. And in stocks, I use a broker called Interactive Brokers, and they allow me to trade most of the major markets out of one account.

Sea Will:

Oh, nice. Okay.

Adrian Reid:

Yeah. So it’s pretty easy. I can buy Apple just as easy as I can buy an Australian company.

Sea Will:

Okay, that’s always a question. I’m like, how do you go with that? Because I never traded, crypto is my international market now.

Adrian Reid:

Yeah. And look, I think crypto is a really great place to start trading wise, as long as you’ve got rules that work. If you don’t have rules and you’re doing it with emotion, you’re going to get killed. It’s so volatile. But that volatility for a systematic trader who has a real system that works, is amazing because the moves are so big and so fast, it works dramatically better than trading any other market.

Sea Will:


Adrian Reid:

I think I can take my systems from stocks and apply them with some tuning to crypto and they make 10 times as much money. Like literally 10 times in return because the amplitude of the moves in crypto is so much higher, and the duration of the moves is so much faster. You take stocks, if you took the S&P 500 over 30 years.

Sea Will:

Oh wow.

Adrian Reid:

And you compress it by five or seven times, and then you stretched it by about five times, then you’ve probably got crypto.

Sea Will:

Yeah. That’s how you [inaudible 00:17:43].

Adrian Reid:

How you can take it, right

Sea Will:

Yeah. Like crypto made stocks bullying to me, so.

Adrian Reid:

Yeah. And that’s fine, you don’t need to trade everything, but I think some diversification is good. I don’t want all my assets in something as volatile as crypto.

Sea Will:

Oh no.

Adrian Reid:

But I definitely want exposure to it in a profitable way. So, I have some crypto that I trade. I have stocks in Australia, stocks in Hong Kong, stocks in the US. And you know, I do a few other things investment wise as well, property and gold and etc. So I think all of that is important and none to the exclusion of everything else.

Sea Will:

Makes a lot of sense. Okay. Can we talk about your biggest trade and your biggest loss?

Adrian Reid:

Oh, sure. That’d be so much fun.

Sea Will:

Always exciting.

Adrian Reid:

Love to relive that stuff. I’m going to go positive first. The biggest trade, I want to talk about stocks, because the duration sort of illustrates some of what I was talking about before. Trend following is the strategy where you buy something which is going up and you hold it as long as in the long term, it continues to go up when it’s obviously going down, you sell it and you go to cash. So my biggest trade, or my best trade ever went from $7 to $149.

Sea Will:


Adrian Reid:

And so, when you get a trade like that, it doesn’t really matter how much money you put in. You end up with a lot of money at the end.

Sea Will:

Yeah, no matter-

Adrian Reid:

In that trade, that position was fluctuating by more dollars at the end, per day than my whole account at the beginning. So I had, X amount of dollars in my account at the start of that trade. By the end of the day, that position was moving by more than I had in my account back here at the beginning. Just because it was now so big, but this is the power of following big trends. Even in stocks, you can have massive moves and it’s life changing. The key is, you’ve got to have the patience to sit through it because that trade took 18 months.

Sea Will:

Oh, okay. I see where you’re going with that.

Adrian Reid:

So you can’t just go, okay. I want a quick profit here. Because you don’t get big profits. You want big profits, you got to have patience to match.

Sea Will:

Patience. That makes a lot of sense. Okay, so how fast was the biggest loss?

Adrian Reid:

Well, losses usually happen much faster than wins.

Sea Will:


Adrian Reid:

Because market panic is much quicker than market kind of confidence and greed, I guess. So I actually have never had what I would call huge losses because right from the beginning, I was a pretty conservative, thoughtful trader. And I always focused on the risk first and the return second. So most of my trades are, or all of my trades actually are small as a percentage of my total capital. So general day to day, if I set up a new trade, I’m only risking maybe half a percent of my total account on that trade. So if I’m wrong, I lose half a percent.

Sea Will:

That makes sense, it’s the whole concept. I know guys like, you risk $1 to make 50.

Adrian Reid:


Sea Will:

Yeah. So I understand. So if you do mess up on that trade, you’re not going to wreck your overall position.

Adrian Reid:

Yeah. Now, it doesn’t mean there’s not bad trades.

Sea Will:

Yeah, of course.

Adrian Reid:

So, my worst trade was actually also one of my best trades, which is really weird, but let me tell you what happened. This was a stock in Hong Kong and I had two systems, two sets of rules that I was running and both of them were holding this stock. And so the stock went up like dramatically and I think I made 7X on the stock.

Sea Will:


Adrian Reid:

Okay. So I was up a lot. And one of my sets, the first set of rules got out, it took the profit and left, went elsewhere. The second set of rules was holding on to see how far it would go. But two days after the first set of rules got out, there was a corporate fraud exposed and that stock went to zero, overnight.

Sea Will:

Oh, wow.

Adrian Reid:

Yeah, so.

Sea Will:

That sounds crazy.

Adrian Reid:

Yeah. I mean, at the time that was like, I think it was a $55,000 loss. Just like that.

Sea Will:

You got the win too, also at the same time, two days before.

Adrian Reid:

Well, I got the win a couple days before. But that position that was $55,000 just vaporized, just went, disappeared.

Sea Will:

Oh, that’s a tough one.

Adrian Reid:

Yeah. So, and as a percentage of my account though, it wasn’t that great because I have this diversification that we talked about before and all of my trades are pretty small compared to the account. So while, it was annoying, it made me a little bit like err.

Sea Will:

Yeah, that’s a lot.

Adrian Reid:

Let’s say it wasn’t like catastrophic from a financial point of view. And I think this is probably one of the most important lessons for anyone who’s listening, who wants to be a trader, who wants to trade actively. You’ve got to make sure that nothing will kill your account. Because you hear stories all day long, and you’ve probably heard a million of them about people who blown up their account. Like they took leverage and now, there’s zero, they’ve lost everything. That’s terrible because A, it doesn’t need to happen.

Sea Will:


Adrian Reid:

And B the reason it happens is because people are trying to make money too quickly using leverage, really big positions and so on. But in trying to make money really quickly, they ensure they end up with nothing. Because…

Sea Will:

That’s what everybody is doing with leverage and crypto right now.

Adrian Reid:

Oh, I mean, crypto is the most wild market on the planet. You don’t need to take leverage to make huge money.

Sea Will:


Adrian Reid:

And in fact, taking leverage is probably to, just going to ensure that in the next big downturn, you get wiped out.

Sea Will:

Yeah. Guaranteed. And it is the volatility, is like, it’s a feature of crypto right now. So it’s not by accident.

Adrian Reid:

It’s like penny stocks. You don’t need to take leverage in penny stocks because they move so much. Crypto is the same. If you want to survive and make money long term and not have 70, 80% drops in your account and not have that fear that you’re going to wake up, wiped out. You don’t take leverage or don’t take much leverage, these exchanges that offer 5, 10, 20X leverage, it’s madness.

Sea Will:

Yeah. It’s a set up.

Adrian Reid:

Total setup.

Sea Will:

It’s definitely a set up, it’s total setup.

Adrian Reid:

Yeah. Because what, I mean, who makes money from it? They do.

Sea Will:

They do.

Adrian Reid:

Because your trading bigger positions, more spread, more commission. That’s how they’re making their money. But as an investor, as a trader, you’ve got to stay in the game. Because you can make, let’s say you make a 100% this year or maybe a 100% this month. But if you make negative 100% next month, you’ve lost everything. Doesn’t matter how much you made in the past. You’ve got to stay in the game which means, you’ve got to be conservative. You’ve got to use not much leverage or none. And you’ve got to make sure every trade is small and every trade has an exit point that will get you out without losing too much money.

Sea Will:

Oh nice, yes. Okay. As let’s slowly start to close out, this is some good fire. As we slowly start to close out before you give your contact info, we got, like I said, new people on my channel that want to get in the trading. Can you talk to them and give them that advice of making a step? What should they do? Like I said, say they have the long term portfolio. They got some capital, but they have not traded. And also, let’s talk towards crypto as well. What’s that advice you can give to a new crypto trader?

Adrian Reid:

Yeah. So for a new crypto trader, the first thing I’m going to say is start slow. Don’t try and jump in and think I’m a smart person. I’ll be able to pick the highs and pick the lows and buy and sell. And you know, I’ve got a friend who does this, so therefore I’ll just be able to. I’m smart, I’ll figure it out, you won’t. You’ll lose money.

Sea Will:


Adrian Reid:

Because, it’s probably one of the harder games to win. Doesn’t mean you can’t win it, but it means you’ve got to get educated first. So we talked about that at the beginning. So learn about how profitable trading actually works. You need to find a set of rules that is profitable, that has been profitable for several years and you need to build confidence in those rules and you need to follow them. Now I teach traders how to do this. I’ve been trading for 20 years systematically. So you can find someone, a mentor to guide you. Or you can start reading a bunch of books. But the quickest way is to get into a program that will guide you step by step with and give you the rules, give you the confidence and empower you.

Adrian Reid:

Now, one of the biggest traps is all of these people out there who sell really expensive things and then, they just tell you, buy this, sell that, buy this token, this one’s going to the moon. You know, they’re giving you tips. Tips is not trading, tips is gambling on someone else’s opinion. So buying a signal service where someone is just telling you what to trade is not learning to trade. And I would encourage everyone to take the time to learn, to actually take control yourself because no one cares about your money as much as you do. And if you’re buying tips from someone, chances are, all you’re doing is going to be making them rich and you are going to lose money because there’s so much emotion in that. But unless, you’re in control and you know the rules and you understand them and you have faith in them, it’s going to be very hard for you to make money.

Sea Will:

Yes, you’re talking about self-empowerment.

Adrian Reid:

Absolutely. I mean, this is critical. It’s the most, if I survey all of my students, the thing that comes up is empowerment, control, confidence, these things. And that happens when you step up and you step into the role as the trader, not, “oh, guru, can you tell me what token’s going to moon next?” That’s not it, that’s not trading and it’s just gambling. And we know what happens with gambling, right?

Sea Will:

You go to zero.

Adrian Reid:

Yeah. If you go to casino, you might make money once, you get addicted to gambling, but it doesn’t mean you’re going to make money for life as a gambler. You’re not.

Sea Will:

No, not at all. No, that’s great advice. Thank you, again. Thank you. Okay. Let’s close out. Now, can you tell them where to find you and how to get in contact with you and your company?

Adrian Reid:

Yeah, absolutely. So my business is Enlightened Stock Trading and I’ve put together a little package of goodies of education to get people started if they want to learn how to trade crypto. So if you go to, I’m going to have a little crypto acceleration bundle of training there for you. It’s going to talk about the biggest mistakes crypto traders make. It’s got a couple of articles that talk about how and why crypto trading works and why you should add it to your portfolio and an introductory trading course that’ll help get you thinking about trading crypto the right way.

Adrian Reid:

So just some free resources, because I want to make sure people don’t go out there and start losing money right off the bat. Because like, this is the most critical thing for me. Because when people get into trading and blow up and leave, because they’re disappointed, it’s like, it’s a wasted opportunity. You can build real wealth doing this. You’ve just got to have the right start. So, and opt in there, grab that course and those sort of guides and that’ll really help you get started the right way.

Sea Will:

Excellent. And I’ll put all those links in the description of this video as well, so.

Adrian Reid:

Awesome. Thank you so much.

Sea Will:

Thanks, Adrian. I appreciate this conversation. Let’s definitely do it again.

Adrian Reid:

So much fun, thank you so much. Pleasure to be here.

Sea Will:

Yes. I’m going to pull you out and do my outro. Hey you all, so that was some great education on trading, international trader with a lot of great information, as you heard. We’re going to put that link in the description, go get those free trading resources, if you’re interested. And then definitely number one thing is to do, get educated. You know, that’s what we are about on this channel. Teaching and educating on how to create assets that produce passive income. So shut out to Adrian. Sea Will with the Passive Income Network, you all know where to find me, I am gone. Passive income, passive income, passive income, gold in my dental. Thank God for my mental investor fundamentals. Told my girl, it was simple. We get all this money to purchase rentals and get passive income, passive income, passive income, the gold and my dental. Thank God for my mental investor fundamentals, told my girl it was simple. We get all this money to purchase rentals and get…


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