Trading psychology is the most underrated driver of trader performance and profitability. Trading is considered among the most challenging professions because it demands strong control over your emotions.
Sometimes, even with the best tools and indicators at your disposal, you can’t be profitable in this profession because you haven’t developed the right trader mindset. You can be the most competent discretionary trader in the world or a systematic trader who has created multiple profitable strategies. Still, you are setting yourself up for failure if you can’t control your emotions.
At Enlightened Stock Trading, our goal is not only to transform you into a profitable systematic trader. We also want to help you develop the trader’s mindset.
Do you want to know the difference between mediocre and super-successful traders?
No, it is not the indicators they use, how fast they execute or even the systems they use. You can give the same trading system to two different traders, but their performance can diverge wildly by the time you end your experiment. The trader who focuses on his trading by trading in the zone and developing the right trader’s mindset will always outshine a trader who didn’t work on his psychology.
Our videos on trading psychology are here to help you develop the right trader’s mindset. We at Enlightened stock trading promote systematic trading, an approach that eliminates more than half of the mistakes that discretionary traders make while trading. However, systematic trading alone won’t help you in getting rid of all the emotional mistakes you make while trading.
You can have access to the best trading system, but you can still get tempted to change that system’s pre-decided rules and conditions when markets are not working in your favour. Many successful systematic traders have tried to play with the rules of their systematic strategy during prolonged periods of drawdowns or choppiness in the market, only to realize that they were better off by not changing them and riding the storm with the system unchanged.
In our blog section on trading psychology, you will find videos where we have interviewed market veterans like Brian McAboy and eminent clinical psychologists like Dr. Takanori Endo. You will also find insightful videos about how to conquer your fears when trading and the top psychological mistakes you should avoid while trading.
Lastly, as a consistently profitable trader for over twenty years, I will share a little secret: you can always improve. In my journey as a trader, I faced several hiccups initially. But those hiccups were temporary. It took me time to look for areas where I needed to improve, like my trading approach, how to discern market opportunities and build strategies to exploit them, and how to have the right mindset as a trader. But you don’t need to reinvent the wheel as I did.
You can expedite your learning and become a profitable trader in a short time by going through our videos and content at Enlightened stock trading. You can also get your FREE stock trading resources to learn stock trading & improve your trading fast by clicking here:
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