Licensed to profit by trading│chris shea


Trading Book Review: Licensed to Profit by Chris Shea. A good ‘starter’ book with a focus on trading from a behavioral and psychological perspective.


It is written by Chris Shea who is an industrial psychologist and super-trader coach.
It is a good ‘starter’ book and a useful reminder if your trading discipline lapses.

Chris approaches the topic from the behavioral and psychological perspective which is often just an add on to many systems oriented writings; he covers essential basic concepts in simple layman’s terms.

Especially useful in several aspects: it is a compact and concise, very clear explanations of the basics with a focus on developing your trading skills inventory, visuals used to good effect, stresses the importance of measuring and reviewing your performance but relates this to your ‘trading apprenticeship’ or ‘learning curve’.






Comments For Licensed To Profit (By Trading In Financial Markets) By Chris Shea, Wrightbooks/Wiley Isbn 9780731406838

Average Rating *****


Feb 11, 2015
Rating *****


Excellent Addition!
by: Adrian

Thanks to Mak Jeng for this excellent trading book review and recommendation. Chris Shea is a highly respected author and coach so this book is worth reading.

Psychological and behavioral issues are and extremely important driver of trading profitability. This is true whether the trading systems are being used or not, and it is true no matter whether you are trading the share market, futures, forex or options. All traders need to work on their psychology to ensure their ongoing success.

Thanks again Mak.



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Adrian Reid Founder and CEO
Adrian is a full-time private trader based in Australia and also the Founder and Trading Coach at Enlightened Stock Trading, which focuses on educating and supporting traders on their journey to profitable systems trading. Following his successful adoption of systematic trading which generated him hundreds of thousands of dollars a year using just 30 minutes a day to manage his system trading workflow, Adrian made the easy decision to leave his professional work in the corporate world in 2012. Adrian trades long/short across US, Australian and international stock markets and the cryptocurrency markets. His trading systems are now fully automated and have consistently outperformed international share markets with dramatically reduced risk over the past 20+ years. Adrian focuses on building portfolios of profitable, stable and robust long term trading systems to beat market returns with high risk adjusted returns. Adrian teaches traders from all over the world how to get profitable, confident and consistent by trading systematically and backtesting their own trading systems. He helps profitable traders grow and smooth returns by implementing a portfolio of trading systems to make money from different markets and market conditions.