Trading Books: Stock Market Wizards: Interviews with America’s Top Stock Traders

Author: Jack D. Schwager
Publisher: Harper Business
Year: 2003

Topics Covered:

  • Stuart Walton: Back from the Abyss
  • Michael Lauer: The Wisdom of Value, the Folly of Fad
  • Steve Watson: Dialing for Dollars
  • Dana Galante: Against the Current
  • Mark D. Cook: Harvesting S&P Profits
  • Alphonse “Buddy” Fletcher Jr: Win-Win Investing
  • Ahmet Okumus: From Instanbul to Wall Street Bull
  • Mark Minervini: Stock Around the Clock
  • Steve Lescarbeau: The Ultimate Trading System
  • Michael Master: Swimming Through the Markets
  • John Bender: Questioning the Obvious
  • Claudio Guazzoni: Eliminating the Downside
  • David Shaw: The Quantitative Edge
  • Steve Cohen: The Trading Room
  • Ari Kiev: The Mind of a Warrior

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Trading Book Review of ‘Stock Market Wizards: Interviews with America’s Top Stock Traders’ by Jack D. Schwager:

The best trading books should be the primary focus of your self-education efforts. I simply cannot get enough of Jack D. Schwager’s books! If you have other trading books that you can recommend then please leave me a comment below and I will make a review about it!

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